Thursday, February 11, 2010

Story 2 - Denied

In a meeting Thursday afternoon, Isanti’s county sheriff sparked a heated debate with several county commissioners over the city’s budget. Sheriff Gus DiCesari believes the residents of Isanti are being put at risk if the law enforcement doesn’t receive proper funding. However, those funds would amount to $580,000; money which Isanti doesn’t have. The shortage of money this year is due to increased costs for health care, and higher fuel costs Commission President Anne Chenn stated. Roughly $30 million alone was spent on constructing a new prison, consuming nearly a quarter of the total budget. Chenn told DiCesari he “would just have to make do this year,” because they couldn’t afford the eight new cruisers and five additional deputies he was asking for. The sheriff’s request was denied with a vote of 5-2.


  1. I think you did a very good job at re-writing this story, and making it less lengthy. Its easy to follow, and straight to the point. Very good job!

  2. I liked how you worded the story. It is very organized and clean written!
