Monday, January 11, 2010


Music is my passion. I'm the person you see walking down the hall humming along. The one in your rear view mirror singing a song. Theres always a tune up inside my head. It's like I'm a human radio station, but just without the commercials. While I enjoy a variety of music styles, rock is what really has my heart. Anything from Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, to Interpol and Tool. I'm always out there looking to discover a new band to add to my favorites. Pandora has been great for that. If you haven't heard of Pandora, you should definitely check it out (Go go gadget Google!). Its a free customizable radio station. Just type in what band or song you like, and sit back and enjoy. Lately I've been listening to this song called The Mission by Puscifer. Its the side project of Maynard James Keenan, the singer from Tool/APC. Here is a link to the song if you want to hear it for yourself.

Beyond music, I am a person of many interests. Thats a good reason why I am here right now typing up this blog. I don't plan on becoming a journalist, but the idea sparked up some fascination. I like to try out a variety of things. There is so much to learn and gain from every experience. So for now, I'm kicking around the community college taking classes like this one. Maybe one of these roads will lead to the career I can't live without. Until then I'll wear my label of Undecided.


  1. I also have a great passion for music; Led Zeppelin is an awesome band. I am currently just taking different classes, exploring different fields. It's okay to be undecided!

  2. I totally enjoyed the music---that major theme of "What Do You Know?" My favorite right now is a little song called,"Ain't No Rest For The Wicked".
    I have a daughter that is obtaining a communications / music major in Duluth. She isn't a hummer though. I think a gift such as yours would be an advantage for a disc jockey or radio personality? The mother is coming out in me!

  3. Hey,
    I also like music, but I think I'm too shy to hum in the hallways. I agree that Pandora is a good website. Do you play any instruments? Do you think that you will go into a musical career or are you still keeping your eyes open for other options?

  4. I LOVE music. ALL kinds. I am also the type of person that would be humming down the hall :) or have earphones in! I must have music on at all times. Doing homework, i listen to Pandora! Music has done many things for me! :)

  5. Rosalie, I love that song. I heard it on 93X a few months back and have been in love with it ever since. I'm pretty sure I went a full week or more just listening to that song on repeat. Cage the Elephant is a great band. If you haven't heard anything else from them, go ahead and check out "In One Ear".

    I actually do play a bit of guitar. Though, I have to admit I'm not all that great... yet. As for a career, I have my eyes wide open. There is a lot of things that I could picture myself doing. Music careers have definitely been something I've thought about and may pursue more.

  6. I'm the same way. Wanting to try different things. I also love music ranging from AC/DC to Mozart. Have a wonderful semester
